Say kaddish for me

Saying Kaddish is about bringing the soul of the deceased to heaven. But what happens when for different reasons there is no one to say Kaddish 3 times a day for a year?


Hiring someone to say kaddish

kaddish service

Rabbis from Israel are willing to say Kaddish for your loved one during the 12 months of mourning every day, Saturdays and Holidays.

Mourner’s Kaddish Prayer for Father an Mother

Saying Kaddish – its purpose is to bring about the ascension of the soul of the deceased in heaven. But what happens when for various reasons the son cannot say Kaddish? Whether because he has to report for work early or because the prayer is not familiar to his language, or because of the technical reason the deceased did not leave sons..

Hire a “Ben Torah” from Israel to say Kaddish 3 times a day for 1 year to uplift the soul of your loved one

Hiring someone to say kaddish for me

The solution is Hiring kaddish service everyday for the first year. That is, it is possible to transfer the role to another person, usually a “Talmid Chacham”, who will say Kaddish for your father or mother. And like many mitzvot that can be appointed a messenger to do them, so also to the mitzvot of the Kaddish can be appointed a messenger who will say the Kaddish for the ascension of the soul of the father or mother who went to their worldly home. It should be emphasized that the children of the deceased are bound by all the laws of mourning even if someone else says Kaddish in their place. Also, it is worth knowing that in every mitzvah that the descendants of the deceased observe, they cause joy to their father or mother in heaven and have a soul lift for the very reason that they have left children and grandchildren who multiply the name in the world, this also includes mitzvah of donating books to synagogues.

Hiring someone to say kaddish for me
Hiring someone to say kaddish for me

From whom is it advisable to hire kaddish service

Many are the people who are preoccupied with their livelihood and do not want to commit to saying Kaddish every day for the first year of death, these people are advised to pay a God-fearing and trustworthy person who will commit to saying Kaddish in their place every day and every prayer. There are also donors who donate money to “Talmidei  Chachamim” for saying Kaddish for yahrzeit. It is more common among the grandchildren of the deceased whose parents are also not among the living, and the grandchildren for their part want to continue to cause comfort and upliftment to grandparents but they fear that due to daily harassment they will forget, Kaddish paid is the solution.

Hire a “Ben Torah” from Israel to say Kaddish 3 times a day for 1 year to uplift the soul of your loved one

And regardless, some dedicate an additional fee to “Talmidei Chachamim” in order to recite psalms for the ascension of the soul or study Torah daily for the ascension of the soul of the deceased and especially from secondary schools where there is a special virtue for the ascension of the soul. The money hiring someone to say kaddish prayer is usually transferred to the possession of those “Talmidei Chachamim” and there are organizations that fund with the money food for the needy and other charitable needs.

The importance of saying kaddish prayer for mother or father

While hiring someone to say kaddish the place of recitation – Some say in a holy place, such as the Western Wall, Rashbi’s tomb in Meron, etc., but it is important to know that Kaddish can be said in any synagogue and in any prayer in the minyan All that is said here is about where it is stated in the arrangement that it is a mourner’s kaddish, the rest of the Kaddish are said by the Shaliach Tzibur. Similar to a donation to a yeshiva that contributes to the upliftment of a soul that works mainly thanks to the fact that they paid money for the name of the deceased.

Halachas regarding mourner’s kaddish prayer

In addition to the mourner’s kaddish prayer, there are those who also add the ‘Kaddish’ at the end of the prayer for the recitation of Kaddish for the sake of raising the soul of the deceased. This is customary mainly among the Ashkenazim but among the Sephardim in any case this Kaddish belongs to the Shaliach Tzibur and not to those who say an mourner’s kaddish prayer.

If the parents are not alive, the grandchildren should remember and observe saying Kaddish for yahrzeit days of the grandparents. But since this is not a strong charge as on parents Kaddish for yahrzeit days, there are those who hire someone to say kaddish for this purpose, who will learn from Mishnayot and will be saying Kaddish for yahrzeit.

Payment for saying Kaddish in wages from “Maaser” money- It is better not to pay from “Maaser” money, but if the children are incapable, this is allowed and especially if the recipients of the payment are poor “Talmidei Chachamim”.

Who says Kaddish prayer

In conclusion, who says Kaddish? Who is in a year of mourning for one of his parents it is advisable to say mourner’s kaddish prayer in the first 11 months of death (in the case of the Spaniards one year) and then on the anniversary of the death every year. This is very helpful in uplifting the soul of the deceased parent. Even a grandson can say Kaddish about his grandparents as well as a groom about his father-in-law. Those who find it difficult to pray in a quorum of 3 prayers a day can appoint a messenger to say the Kaddish in its place. To remove from you the yoke of ‘Who says Kaddish’, here on the site we have located for you”Talmidei  Chachamim” who are willing to say Kaddish about your loved one during 11 or 12 months of mourning in the three prayers of the day and in 4 prayers on Saturdays and holidays. In addition, there is a possibility that “Talmidei Chachamim” will hold a daily secondary lesson to lift the soul of the deceased or get more ideas for lifting the soul of the deceased. To order a paid Kaddish recitation, contact us!

Rabbi Shimon Zaafran - Rosh Kolel "Or Rashbi" Israel

Questions and answers regarding paid Kaddish
  • How long is Kaddish said for the deceased

    During the 12 months of mourning in the three prayers of the day and in the 4 prayers on Saturdays and holidays. In addition, there is a possibility that the wise student will hold a daily secondary lesson to lift the soul of the deceased or get more ideas for lifting the soul of the deceased. To order a paid Kaddish recitation, contact us!

  • Who says paid Kaddish

    Here on the website, we have located for you "Talmidei Chachamim" willing to say Kaddish for your loved one

  • How much does it cost hiring someone to say kaddish for me

    The cost of hiring someone to say kaddish is $260 for the whole year. (Less then $1 a day)

Hire a "Ben Torah" from Israel to say Kaddish 3 times a day for 1 year to uplift the soul of your loved one

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Hire Rabbi Shimon Zaafran to say kaddish for your loved one three daily prayers for the whole year for a single payment of $260

Rabbi Shimon Zafran
(Head of the Or Rashbi Kollel)
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